Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Gospel

Plain and simple, yet powerful enough to change your life:

When God created the world everything was in harmony with each other. He made human beings in His image and likeness and they had a perfect relationship with Him. (Gen. 1:27) Nothing else He created was given that kind of worth. But with the creation of Adam and Eve and through their one act of disobedience sin entered into all of humanity.(Gen 3) It is because of that one act of disobedience that every human being from that point on, even to this day, is separated from God. 

We are born sinners, it’s a part of our nature and because God is holy He demands the just punishment for sin. (Rom 3:10, 19) The only punishment for sin is death. In the Old Testament we see the establishment of the law and the sacrifice of animals by the people trying to make their way to a holy God. (Ex 19)Though blood was spilt, none of it could truly pay the price because the state of our being is sinful in itself. God saw that humanity could never pay their way and so in His love He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth. 

Now the fact that God would come to earth is humbling in itself. God didn’t have to send Christ, Jesus didn’t have to walk around in a human body dealing with jacked up people.  He could have left us on that continuous process of failing over and over again and paying for it in the end. But He didn’t. Christ came and fulfilled His calling by living a perfect and sinless life, fulfilling the law in full. Because of that He was the only one worthy enough to be our sacrifice. And so He was crucified and took our place on the cross, the place that was rightfully ours. (1Pet 3:18) 

Through that act He made a way for all of humanity to be brought back to God. He made a way for us to have a relationship with our Creator again as God always intended it to be. (Gal 1:4) And He defeated even death, as He rose three days later and now sits in heaven at the right hand (the place of honor) of God the Father.  It is only through repentance and faith in Christ that we can come to a holy God and be seen as perfect and forgiven. (Eph 2:8-9) 

But faith isn’t just saying you believe, going to church, and doing the “Christian” thing. (James 2:17) It’s a whole life surrender. (Mark 8:34-35) A surrender that doesn’t always make your life easier, one that will cause you to walk away from many people you call friends for a higher calling. A surrender that will call you to do things way out of your comfort zone and people’s understanding. But yet, a surrender that will leave you completely whole because you are doing what you were created to do. A surrender that restores you to your original purpose. A surrender that frees you from the grip of sin and gives you power over sin to rise above. 

Christ calls us to repent and believe. But repenting takes action and it takes you turning the other way and never looking back. (Rom 2:4)

It requires a decision, a surrender. The question is are you ready to let go?

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