Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reality Check

I am sorry for not posting all week! It has been a very odd week. I went to the doctor because I wasn't feeling too well early this week and he put me on an antibiotic, which I have now had two reactions to. So a few missed classes, unknown symptoms, and a EGK later, here I am! Please pray that all of the unusual things are said and done, and that my grades won't suffer too much either! Anyway, God's been teaching me a lot about love this week. You might have done this before, but this is a perfect reality check for us all; replace your name in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.  I have started doing it every morning to set myself mentally and spiritually right for the day. Give it a try, it really puts the life we are called to lead and the one you are living into perspective! 

______ is patient and kind.
 ______is not jealous, _____ does not brag, and is not proud.
 _________ is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others.  ________does not count up wrongs that have been done.
 _________ takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth.
 ______patiently accepts all things.
 ______ always trusts, always hopes, and always endures.

Always remember that love is God's greatest command! People should know us by our love, first and foremost! For many unbelievers, you might be the only example of Jesus they have. When we do not love, but claim to know God we risk an entire generation's understanding of Jesus! Always remember God's command to "live a life of love." 2 John 1:6.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Highway of Life

So I got some suggestions to do another video post, so here it goes. Please excuse the bad editing and all the "ums". God's still working on me. :) 

Got Questions/Comments? Leave me a comment below.

If you'd like to learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please check out these sites:

Are you who you say you are?

*Note: No I am not crazy. When I say God "speaks" it is not audible. God speaking = putting something on your heart/bringing to light something you could have never thought of. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

ALL Powerful

So lately I have been feeling a little on the crappy side. I'm not sure if it's just the pollen and my allergies getting the best of me or what. But to accompany the small amount of crappy-ness that's been going on lately, God has been speaking life and encouragement and POWER into my life. I'm a little slow if you don't know me. It takes me awhile to catch on to some things. Maybe I just need to pay more attention, either way God knows how to get my attention. He'll repeat the same concept over and over again until my slowness catches on. So this week I've really been growing and learning on how powerful He is. I think a lot of us get so use to hearing about how great and powerful He is that we don't really think much about it. "Oh yeah, God is Almighty, He's all powerful, I learned that in Sunday school, VBS, and church camp." But do you really understand this?? Romans 6:5 says 

"Christ died, and we have been joined with him by dying too. So we will also be joined with him by rising from the dead as he did." 
That means the same power that conquered the grave lives in each and every single one of us.  The SAME POWER that raised Christ from the dead is in me and in you! So if that same power lives in us, we shouldn't have any excuses for any task being too hard in our lives. Yes, life is down right hard sometimes, but we have so much underlying potential and power to do great things for the glory of God that it's hard to even put into words! God can do so much more with your life and He's put that same power in you! Don't you dare let that go to waste! Whatever you're going through you can get through it and you will get through it. When something troublesome comes up, start reminding yourself of how much power God has put in you. Harness that miraculous power of God inside of you, get your battle gear on, get that Chris Tomlin's "Our God" cranked up, and bust the devil straight in the teeth! 

"If our God is for us, THEN WHO COULD EVER STOP US! 
If our God is with us, THEN WHO COULD STAND AGAINST!"

Monday, April 05, 2010


That's really all I can think of to say. God blew our MINDS this past Easter Sunday. We packed out Time Warner Cable Arena in downtown Charlotte, NC. Over 11,500 people gathered to worship and hear the Gospel preached! Over 750 people committed their lives to Jesus! Over 18,000 donations were given to reach our city with God's love. We had it all, the worship team rocked out like never before, lifting Jesus high , baptisms where we celebrated new lives, and a challenging message to "WAKE UP!". But most of all we had an incredible presence of God that I cannot even begin to put into words. I was fighting tears even before the service even started, looking around to see how greatly God moved, to see how God can do so so so much more than you ever imagined (Ephesians 3:20). 

If you missed it, check out the recap and sermon here

Friday, April 02, 2010

It's Coming

That's right, Easter is only days away and God is going to blow... our... minds. Here is the preview for Elevation's Easter Experience:

 Disregard the "In two weeks". If you haven't gotten tickets yet or would like to know more about "Egg the City" please leave me a comment below and I will hook you up. Get there! Or somewhere!