Saturday, October 30, 2010

Haiti Journal: Day 5

Oct. 8, 2010

I’m so broken yet so overjoyed all at the same time. My heart yearns for these kids like nothing I have never felt before. I want them to know how much they are loved, not only by me, but most of all by Jesus. We got to take the kids to the beach today. It was absolutely amazing and they had such a blast! I realized how blessed these kids at Canaan actually are. After hiking though the villages this morning I really do see that these kids are extremely blessed in Haiti terms. They have food, water, shelter, are able to attend school, and just enjoy a day at the beach. I don’t know how I’m going to adjust back in the States. God, would you use this brokenness to start a rival back home. Something, anything. And would you move people to advance the Gospel here in Haiti. I have such a heart for these people, such a heart to love in so many greater ways because of this experience. I thank You and praise You for that. Would I never forget the work you did in my heart and others this week and would you help me to use it daily for the Gospel and advancing Your Kingdom. I really did learn how to love about as close to unconditionally as I think humanly possible this week. I have such a greater appreciation for the blessings God has given to me. The simplest things like regular cars with seats or access to transportation in general, a sink that allows me to have access to clean water in seconds, and so many other things. These Haitians have to work so hard for every aspect of survival. God, I just thank you so much for this opportunity. Would you use every aspect for Your glory. Don’t let any go to waste.

I trained up some skilled sand castle builders.

Some of the team and kids taking a break.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Haiti Journal: Day 4

Oct. 7, 2010

I can’t believe we only have one full day left. Ronnie and I finished the admin office. It looks a million times better and will now hopefully be able to function well and fast. I got to spend some real quality time with the girls today. I love them all so much and I see just how much they long to be loved, to have someone always ready to give a hug or even acknowledge them. They told me once again how much they didn’t want me to go. They said they were going to cry when I left. I think I’m definitely going to beat them in that category. I asked Seth, our leader, if I could write them and he said yes, so I am really hoping that I actually will be able to that they will be able to write back. I also learned there is a group coming down during Spring Break, I think. I’m definitely going to look into that. These kids deserve so much more than just a week to be loved on. We got pretty much all of the painting done at the new clinic and it is looking awesome! While we were down there painting tonight we got to stop and just admire the Milky Way. Yes, you can actually see the Milky Way! There are so many stars down here. Its almost like there are more stars than there is darkness. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we would be like that to the world! We also got to see the sunset over the long stretches of ocean. It’s absolutely breathtaking. I love how the simplest moments mean so much. I love how life is so simple here. These people truly are blessed and a lot richer than we will ever be in so many ways. To not be consumed in material items and the hustle and bustle of a success drive society. I would die for people in America to spend just one day here in a place where there is so little, where you have to put hours of work into getting anything done. I pray that these kids would grow up to be world changers. To fall so in love with Jesus that the overflow can’t be contained. That it would spread through this community, this country, and the world. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pray for Baby Chevy

Just got news that one of my kids in Haiti is very very sick. He has numerous doctors on him currently but is getting progressively worse. Please pray RIGHT NOW, gather everyone you know and pray pray pray. Thank you! 

From Kendall: Please pray for Chibleson (Chevy) he is very sick and we are having to put him on an I.V...we're not sure what he has but we have four nurses and a doctor working on him right now. Just pray pleeeaaase.

From Elsie: Pray for Chevy! He got sick last night and is getting progressively worse. Vomits everything, fever, too dehydrated for IVs, getting lethargic. Pray the last sublingual medicine will kick in so he can start keeping down fluids. Tomorrow he goes for more tests.

Robby and Chevy

Me and Chevy

Friday, October 15, 2010

Haiti Journal: Day 3

Oct. 6, 2010

I didn’t get to spend as much time with the kids today but we got a TON of work done. Me and two other teammates, Ronnie and Steve, cleaned out and half way organized the admin part of the school.  I am hoping that this task will benefit the school in a mighty way. One of the teachers said that some of the kids just sit there without anything to do because they can’t find neither next PACES (the workbooks they use as curriculum). I also got to help paint the new medical clinic. It is such an addiction and is going to be such a blessing to this whole community. So today was definitely a lesson in being a servant. A humbled and willing servant, being willing to jump in at any task at any moment and give it your all. We got to see the sunset over the ocean. It is absolutely a testimony to God’s beautiful hand. I hate that pictures and video can never do the real view justice. I really go to know some people on the team a lot better today and it is so exciting to see so many willing servants. This team is definitely shinning God’s light into a dark world. I shared an amazing moment with a little baby girl today. I am apparently a pro at putting babies to sleep because she was out in 2 minutes solid. These kids are so adorable and the moments spent with them are even more precious! It is still so hard for me to see these kids as orphans. I feel like we’re at camp or something. But then I get back to our room and it hits me. These kids don’t get to leave. Most of these kids don’t have moms and dads or family. These kids will probably NEVER see our side of the world, will never see things we see every single day. It’s going to be hard to go home. I want to love these kids more than anyone or anything I’ve ever loved. Haiti is seriously a glimpse of heaven and I can’t begin to wrap my mind around it. It is a glimpse of absolute faith, unity, and love. Watching these pastors and Haitians worship is truly a blessing to my own heart. Seeing the extent of joy these people have and just imagining how much God has worked in their lives blows me away. That God moves through borders, languages, and cultures truly shows just how awesome and mighty our God is. He is truly MIGHT TO SAVE. 

Haitian sunset

So precious! She was knocked out cold.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Haiti Journal: Day 2

Oct. 5, 2010

I have lost my heart to these kids, straight up. Their ability to love absolute complete strangers truly reminds me of the kind of love Jesus showed to people in the Bible. The school here absolutely blew my mind! I was totally not expecting it to be so nice and structured, and above and beyond so focused on Christ. I think these kids have more Scripture memorized than most kids in America have even read. I taught some kids how to multiply two digit numbers today. It’s funny how we take for granted all the little “tricks” and catchy sayings or songs we learn in America to help us with things like this. It was so awesome teaching them some of these tricks; to see these kids actually getting it and seeing something that was once a struggle suddenly turn into a joyful success. My heart breaks and overflows all at once when I look at these kids. I want to love them to the fullest every single day for the rest of my life. Even thinking about leaving them here and the chance of never seeing them again is almost unbearable.  One of my girls today, Chama, was already begging me not to go, and its only day two! Yesterday she was telling me about how she didn’t have any brothers or sisters. I looked right at her and told her, “Yes you do! I am your sister!” One of my teammates, Andrew, was near us and he became her brother as well. Today she would ask where her brother was or call for me, her sister, to go play or swing with her. I think I have lifted more weight in picking up kids today than I have ever lifted combined in my entire life. It was well worth it though. There is nothing more I would rather do than help these kids swing on money bars, catch them out of the slides, or swing them around in the air. I wish I could capture these moments and replay them forever. We worshiped with all the kids, the 40 Haitian pastors here for training, and all the staff tonight. It truly was a glimpse of heaven seeing and hearing these people pouring out their hearts in worship in their own language and expressions. I get chill bumps every time. I can’t even put into words the feeling of seeing the Body unite like this, even us being only a 150 or so strong. God is flipping my world upside down and I have no idea where or what it’s going to lead to. 

Pictures of the school

My sister, Chama

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Haiti Journal: Day 1

The trip to Haiti was absolutely amazing! It has rocked my world in so many ways. I know that many people are wanting to hear all about it, but right now I feel so overwhelmed with processing what happened this week and seeking the next steps that I haven't been very talkative. So I've decided to post my journal entries from this past week on my blog. They will be coming either everyday or every other, so stay tuned. Please keep in prayer the people of Haiti and also myself and the process of God laying out what the next steps are in my life as a result of the work in Haiti. I love you all.

Oct. 4, 2010

First day and soon to be first night in Haiti. It was an early start this morning at 3am and although it’s only about 9pm it feels and looks like it is well into the night. The orphanage is absolutely amazing. After the drive through Port-au-Prince and surrounding villages, this place really does seem like heaven on earth compared to the tragedy we passed. There were mountains full of tent after tent. The mountains were practically all blue and white, the color of all the crammed tents that covered every square inch. It was so surreal. It was like what you were seeing wasn’t even registering or couldn’t even begin to register in your brain. To even try to imagine the amount of struggle and hardship these people face every single day is practically impossible. They have been posted up in “tent cities” ever since the earthquake, almost a year ago. They wander by day, leaving their tents because of the unbearable heat, but having nowhere to go during the day because everything is gone. I cannot even begin to try to grasp it. I guess you can say that I’m still in culture shock. These kids here at Canaan Orphanage are amazing! They are shy at first but within minutes they will be hand in hand with you pulling you off for a game of soccer. I cannot even begin to express the feelings and joy it brings to see them smile and hear them laugh. These are kids that have seen nothing but rejection. Their parents don’t want them or either can’t take care of them. Many don’t even have parents, some due to the earthquake. Yet in just these small moments to see them filled with so much joy, with not a care in the world or a hurt in sight, it truly is like seeing a glimpse of heaven. I haven’t cried yet like I expected. I think because in so many ways I see how these people are so much richer than we will ever be. They know what real faith is; trusting that God will provide even in so much devastation, even in times that look like there is no hope to ever get back up again. I see God moving in so many ways here and it excites me. While I know that He has yet to even begin to bring about His exceeding glory in this nation, I can’t hold back in shouting for joy for those little sparks of a coming revival.  God is uniting His people under Him in a might way, as one, all nations, all people.  God, would you open my eyes and help me to grow in faith like the people of Haiti. Help me to trust You even in the utter worst of times.

Tent cities in Port-au-Prince

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Off to Haiti

Tomorrow morning bright and early me and a team of 40 others will make our way to Canaan Orphanage. The orphanage, located in Montrouis, Haiti, is home to over 100 children. We have 7 different teams (medical, dental, work, kitchen, kids, media, and pastoral team) that will make up this trip. I think one of the most exciting things is our pastoral team who will be training 30 pastors from the poorest parts of Haiti in theology and biblical studies. What an awesome way for the Gospel to continue to go forth in a bigger and better way. I am on the kids team and will have the honor of tutoring some of the kids in the morning and running games and activities for them the rest of the day. We even have a beach trip planned for them on Friday, that means no school for them! I'm so excited to spoil these kids, even if its just for a week. 

I would like to thank all my Elevators and other sponsors. You guys absolutely amaze me and God has already used you to do a mighty work in my heart. Your generosity is about to change lives this week! I'm excited to share in this experience with you and be sure you keep a lookout for pictures! I love you all. 

I cannot even begin to imagine all the ways God is going to move this week. What an extraordinary privilege it is to not only be a child of God, but to be able to participate in advancing the Kingdom, especially in places of such devastation like Haiti. Let us never forget that Christ is worthy of our everything. Every ounce of our lives. And let us not forget about the billions of people who are so much less fortunate than us. Those who don't even have food, clean drinking water, or shelter. Those who have lost everything, including their families and even their hope. Let our overflow of God's grace fill these people's lives to the extreme, in our communities and across the world. 

Haiti - Canaan Orphanage Malnutrition Initative from andrew hudson on Vimeo.

One of the few ways God is using Canaan.