I recently read through the book of Acts. I love seeing how the early church was so bold and on fire. They went out to all lands and preached the Good News. Paul, especially, gets me pumped up. He man was radically transformed and set ablaze for the Kingdom of God. This passage about Paul in Acts really jumped out to me:
"Paul went into the synagogue and spoke out boldly for three months. He talked with the people and persuaded them to accept the things he said about the Kingdom of God. But some of them because stubborn. They refused to believe and said evil things about the way of Jesus before all the people. So Paul left then, and taking the followers with him, he went to the school of a man named Tyrannus. There Paul talked with people everyday for two years. Because of his work, every Jew and Greek in Asia heard the Word of the Lord." Acts 19:8-10
The first thing that really stuck out to me were the time periods. I like to rush things. I like to see things happen fast, but I'm learning more and more that that's not very realistic. Paul stayed in the first place for three months, and even then most people turned away from the Good News. Also, notice how Paul left once they became hardened. He didn't waste time with those who heard but turned away. He moved on to those who hadn't yet heard. Now don't get me wrong I don't believe anyone is past redemption, but I do think there is a certain point you can get to with someone where you've done all you can do, the rest is up to the Holy Spirit. So Paul went on and in this new place he stayed for two years. Not only did he stay for a long period of time but notice that everyday he talked with the people about the gospel. The last part of this blows my mind as it says that because of this daily faithfulness to the task every single Jew and Greek heard the gospel!! Every single one! This should be a wake up call to all of us. It only takes the daily faithfulness of one person for God to use them to change an entire continent!
Let's get busy. You aren't responsible for the results, but you are responsible to your faithfulness of sharing the gospel day end and day out. If we've truly met Jesus, how can we not speak of all He's done!
Wow, this year seemed so long, yet so short all at the same time. It was definitely a year of growth, along with those nasty growing pains of course! But all of it was well worth it. We aren't promised a happy and easy life as a follower of Christ and I thank God for the trials and suffering He has allowed me to go through because they have shaped who I am today. So as the summer roles in (!!!) here are the top 7 biggest things God taught me this year.
1) This journey with Christ is a lifelong pursuit and I am just as in need of God's grace at every moment as the lost people around me. I am not beyond the gospel. His grace has saved me, is saving me, and will save me.
2) While I have a responsibility for the people God places in my life, I cannot claim them as mine. They are His children, not mine. The most freeing thing this year for me has been the realization that the results are not my responsibility, but the faithfulness to the task is.
3) Our God created things to multiply. Followers, disciples, churches, etc. God is a God of growth. We must never grow stagnant.
4) Discipleship is vital! We must commit our lives to being poured into and pouring into others. God didn't call me to seminary for myself, but for the advancement of His kingdom. Go deep with the few, pour your life into them, and see them begin to do the same in others.
5) I have to work each day to be intentional. I get distracted way too much! Following Christ takes EFFORT and INTENTIONALITY! Intentional about my time in the Word, intentional about my use of time, intentional about the people I surround myself with, intentional with building relationships. These things don't just happen out of nowhere.
6)Worship is so much more than music. It's a lifestyle Christ has called all of us to. It's why we were created! It is the laying down of every part of our lives to see God's plan and purpose rise up in us. For His glory to be what we yearn for. To see awe struck worshippers in a relentless pursuit of the God who created us.
7) God is soooo much bigger than I thought. What He has done, is doing, and is yet to do completely blows my mind.
I know that many of you are wondering about when I will be returning to Haiti.
My goal was to go for a month or longer this summer, but after a lot of prayer and consideration I knew that it was more of a selfish timing on my part. Many of my orignal sponsors have been convicted to go on international mission trips themselves this summer. I knew that it was more important for me to help fund them so that they can have that experience and bring back urgency for the gospel to infect others with than for me to be selfish and push to go see my kids again. With growing into the idea that I wouldn't be in Haiti this summer I knew that it would be a growing period for me. After much more prayer, I knew that God didn't intend for this to be an individual growing period, but growth within community. Through that God has really burdened my heat for the vitalness of discipleship and pouring into others. So to make a long story short, I will have the privledige to pour into two young women's lives for three months. It will be like Jesus 101 on steriods! I can't wait to see what God will do through us coming together and growing and through the growth of these two girls. So with that, I know that God has called me to Haiti, but it must be on His timing and not my own. My next projected trip will be in October. This continual process of my mission in Haiti will only be possible through the continual giving of generous people. Therefore, I've made it easy for anyone to give one time or many times through setting up a paypal account. Anytime you feel led to give to God's work through me in Haiti, click the button to the left! It's easy as one, two, three! I thank each and everyone of you for your support for what God is doing in my life, your prayers, and continued finiancal support.