Tuesday, July 06, 2010

It's Summer Time!

 have so many things to share with you guys, but too little time to fully process and put them into words. So today I'm going to share the most easiest thing first, but keep your eyes peeled for much more in depth and meaningful thought from my life! :)

Everyone knows it summer time, and we all know what that means.....SUMMER READING! Okay, well maybe thats the last thing on some of your lists, its okay I know most of you are busy with summer jobs (or your normal job), spending time with the family, or working on that tan. But for me I've set a list of a few books I want to read this summer and have made a pact with myself to not buy any more books until I have read the ones I have. I'm that kind of person that sees a really good book and just has to have it, even when I have 50 of those "have to haves" at home. 

So far this summer I have finished two off my list; Radical by David Platt and The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel. They are both books I would highly recommend to anyone and everyone. 

I absolutely love what God is doing through both of these men. David Platt, pastor of The Church at Brook Hills has a heart for the falling marginalized church and reaching those who have yet to heard the gospel. He is urgent about making Jesus known and he boldly proclaims the message God has given him. Craig Groeschel is the pastor of the second largest church in America and has a challenging message for us all. This book hits key struggles we face as Christians and challenges us live a life in full trust to God. We all struggle at times with "believing in God but living as if He doesn't exist", whether we are brave enough to admit it or not.

Check out the previews for both of these books:

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