Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Relentless Pursuit

Lately I feel that God has been hitting on the same subject over and over again. This post is going to be pretty straight forward because I know that I need to set some things straight. About a month ago I was extremely convicted and knew that God had given me a message to speak into the people around me. Due to some things going on in my life I felt that I didn't have the right to speak this to the people God had called me to speak it to. A month later here I am, in one of the biggest spiritual funks I have ever been in and I know exactly why. Delayed disobedience is direct disobedience. I know that if I would have just stepped out of my comfort zone and trusted that He would use what He told me to say exactly how He wanted a lot of negative things that have happened lately would not have happened. So first and foremost I would like to apologize to you all, especially my Lolley girls. 

Romans 13:11-14 says "It is now time for you to wake up from your sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost finished, and the day is almost here. So we should stop doing things that belong to darkness and take up the weapons used for fighting in the light. Let us live in a right way, like people who belong to the day. We should no have wild parties or get drunk. There should be no sexual sins of any kind, no fighting or jealousy. But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ and forget about satisfying your sinful self."

God broke me completely through this passage. The simple fact is we do not know when Jesus is coming back. He could come in five minutes, tomorrow, a year, or 100 years. Because we don't know, we should live our lives so on fire for God as if He were coming back in minutes. We do not have time to waste. There are too many helpless and hurting, lost and broken people. Jesus paid a cost too high for us to waste time and make excuses for not making His name known! 

Every single moment of our lives should present the Gospel, should shout Jesus boldly and loudly! EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND. Period, no excuses. I am preaching to myself just as much as anyone else when I say this. If we truly believe the Gospel, if we truly know the value of eternity, we need to get serious, we need to urgent. That crap that is coming out of my mouth and your mouth, nailed Jesus to the cross. If a lost person came into our dorm could he/she know there was something uniquely different by how we present ourselves or by our conversations? Is every single action, every single word coming out of our mouth glorifying Christ? If it's not, which I think is where a lot of us are, including myself, I think we need to take a step back and realize the high calling of Jesus Christ in our lives. He demands radical obedience at every waking moment. He demands us to take the hard roads, to have the hard conversations, to step out of our comfort zones. He demands and DESERVES every single ounce of our lives!!! Please get this. We do not have time to waste if Jesus could come back in seconds. That person you walked by is now on an eternal road separated from Jesus Christ because he was passed by. The girl that you hears you gossip is now eternally confused about how a so called Christian really lives their life and now has confirmed what apparent little different He makes just from those few words of trash. This is not a hate fest. I am just as guilty, if not more. 

This has to stop RIGHT NOW. I am asking you, begging you, to join me in keeping each other accountable. Your relationship problems can wait, your social life can wait, your friendship drama can wait, THE GOSPEL CANNOT.

We should be in such a relentless pursuit of Christ that all the shouts and lures from from world are only blurs.  We are on mission at every single second. The most important and highest mission we should ever imagine. Lets get busy.

Lord, may we NEVER get complacent in our lives. May we NEVER get comfortable because we know that You sure as heck were not comfortable on the cross. Lord, I truly believe that if this generation would cling to you in such a radical way and would strip ourselves of every single thing that does not glorify You, I truly believe that we could see the world, every single person, come back to You. Call me crazy, I am choosing to trust, I am choosing to believe that my God is a God of the impossible. 

Please, join me. He cannot wait. 


  1. I love to see you so on fire Kim. It really is great and encouraging especially since I have grown up in a very apathetic Christian school. Anyhow, I whole heartedly agree. I really do. And unfortunately a lot of christians would look at this as crazy nonsense. Anyways, this is no easy task and it def involves on that note, I'm in! :]

  2. I agree with Val and with you. So many times I myself do or say something that later I look back on it and beat myself over it. I knew I could have taken the time to share Christ with someone rather than just make small talk. What if I were the only chance that person ever had to see Jesus?
    Count me in!

  3. Thank you, Kim, for speaking truth. I think that most would read this and think, "This chick is seriously getting radical" when I believe this should be the norm. How complacent we (I) grow and get so ridiculously absorbed in the momentary details loosing sight of the bigger picture and why my Maker put me here.
