Monday, September 27, 2010

Stay the Course

Recently I've been traveling on a lot of highways and freeways. Trips home, to conferences, and even to work I've found myself in the midst of such fast paced people. I have to admit I like to get where I'm going fast as well. I'm not a big fan of driving. I use to be straight out scared of changing lanes, but now I find myself doing it more often. And let me tell you I just love when you change lanes excepting to get around some slow cars and then the lane you change into ends up getting passed by the lane you were just in. It makes me feel pretty retarded and I wonder if the cars I passed for all of 3 seconds are thinking, "All that hustle for nothing, kid needs some patience."

After this happened to me time after time it finally just hit me, I'd probably do better just staying in my lane, staying the course, instead of all this back and forth rat race stuff. And then, as always, God spoke. (Sorry I know thats an abrupt transition, but just stick with me.)

If we would just stay the course and quit changing lanes in following God and His plans for our life, we would probably save ourselves a lot of time and effort. So many times I find myself so set on what I know God has spoken for me to do but within a few weeks its dwindled down and just added to the list of things I know I'm suppose to do. I get so distracted by getting off course, by letting other things take priority over the main thing I should be focusing on. Or brace yourself for this one, letting other people talk me down or out of what God sovereignly spoke.

1st Corinthians 15:58 says "Stand strong. Do not let anything move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your work in the Lord is never wasted." The Bible says don't let anything get you off course, don't let anything move you from the course God has you on. Life gets complicated, trust me I know. But in those times when so many other concerns are arising and pushing us to change lanes, stand strong and stay the course no matter how hard it is. He promises us that our work in Him is never wasted. So do what Jesus told you to do, not what other people are suggesting! Stay in His lane, not the worlds, not the lane of distractions or opinions.

Stay the course! Stay in His lane and His alone.

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