It's that season for summer jobs! I've been working a lot these past two weeks trying to get a little extra money for when I leave to go to school. Most people wouldn't even call it work, but since I'm being paid for it, I consider it so. If you haven't already guessed, I get paid for getting a nice tan, sitting around, and taking the occasional dip in the pool. Yep, I'm a lifeguard. But really, we do work, I've saved four people and saving people isn't always that easy!
I've been lucky these past two weeks being able to work at an outdoor pool. Minus the few days of rain and thunderstorms, the weather has been absolutely amazing. I am proud to say that I now have a watch, flip-flop, and swim suit tan! I absolutely love just admiring the outside and I've had a lot of time to do that this week. It blows me away. It makes me think of how complex and sovereign our God is. Can you even begin to imagine the mind of the One who thought up photosynthesis, the vivid colors of bloomed flowers, and animals such as birds that science says shouldn't even be able to fly. I am humbled by the great mind of God, overcome by how everything in nature works together so perfectly. Even getting a tan blows my mind; how our God even designed our bodies to adjust to environmental changes to protect us. It's unexplainable apart from Him and I can't help but see that mighty hand of God in our daily surroundings.
Slow down from your busy day sometime to admire what's around you. Instead of getting frustrated in traffic, take the time to check out the surroundings. Take a walk or run outside instead of on the treadmill. Or simply step out of your door before getting ready for bed to admire such bright and fascinating stars. Don't ever get too busy to stop and admire such an awesome and complex creation God had provided for us!
“Be still, and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10