Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Faithful God

It was a FAITHFUL God who didn't give up on a FAITHLESS Adam and Eve even after they disobeyed Him and rebelled against Him. 

It was a FAITHFUL God who found a faithful man named Noah when the entire human race was FAITHLESS and turned away from Him, but He chose to preserve humanity because He loved humanity and was a FAITHFUL God. 

It was a FAITHFUL God who found a FAITHLESS man named Abraham and chose and called him and out of him brought about a nation that outnumbered the starts.

It was a FAITHFUL God who raised up a  man named Joseph and allowed him to be betrayed by his brothers, thrown into prison so that he could eventually be brought out of prison and preserve the nation of Israel and Egypt in a time of famine.

It was a FAITHFUL God who found a man named Moses to bring His people out of cruel Egyptian bondage and slavery. 

It was a FAITHFUL God who raised up a new leader named Joshua when the FAITHLESS generation refused to enter the promised land and died off in the wilderness and FAITHFULLY brought them into a land called Canaan. 

It was a FAITHFUL God who raised up judges to deliver the people of Israel through the centuries as they sinned against Him and did what was right in their own eyes but FAITHFULLY when they cried to Him, He heard them and delivered them.

It was a FAITHFUL God who raised up a faithful shepherd boy named David who nobody else was even considering was next in line for the kingship to replace a FAITHLESS king named Saul to lead His FAITHLESS people of Israel into the FAITHFUL promises of God.

It was a FAITHFUL God who out of that lineage of King David brought the FAITHFUL One, Jesus Christ, to rescues His people from their sins.

It was a FAITHFUL God who reached down in compassion and love exactly one year ago today and saved me from myself.

It was a FAITHFUL God who took my broken life, broken heart, and broken dream and brought about peace, hope, and joy.

It was a FAITHFUL God who two days later sovereignly placed me at the church with a faithful pastor who told me that God wasn't done with me yet and that He could and would do immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine.

It was a FAITHFUL God who used my FAITHLESS past to speak Truth into peoples lives, bring encouragement in times of despair, and the message of hope and redemption in Christ.

It was a FAITHFUL God who led me to leave my dream school, who FAITHFULLY led me away from that idol and into His plan of so much more.

It was a FAITHFUL God who led me to seminary to show me that I was not at all normal and that He had called me and grown me in such a unique way.

It was a FAITHFUL God who stood by my side in times of stripping and suffering and who is FAITHFULLY seeing me through in the process of sanctification.

It was a FAITHFUL God who not only calls me a daughter, but allows me to participate in advancing His Kingdom and making Jesus known.

It was a FAITHFUL God who led me to Haiti a little more than a month ago and through that is continually laying out the strategy of achieving His plan and purposes for my life.

It is a FAITHFUL God who stands by me day in and day out.

 A FAITHFUL God who loves me in my mess. 

A FAITHFUL God who comforts me in my sorrow. 

A FAITHFUL God who forgives my mistakes. 

A FAITHFUL God who calls me to something bigger. 

A FAITHFUL God who continues to blow my mind with His grace and mercy. 

A FAITHFUL God who I put all my hope and trust in. 

A FAITHFUL God I will follow, even if it leads to the cross. 

He has always seen me through. He is my rock, my life, my everything.

One year has blown my mind. God keeps saying "You think that was crazy, you just wait."

Buckle up and hold on tight because here comes round two.

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